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Whill, Inc.

Whill, Inc.

345 Shoreway Rd. Suite 101
San Carlos, CA 94070


WHILL Type-A is next generation personal mobility device. The single-passenger seated electric vehicle, designed for everyone including people with disability or walking difficulties, makes riding on sidewalks easy, stylish and fun, with its special technology realizing tight turning radius and high terrain-coverage at the same time.


Model A

WHILL brings connected mobility device features to life with solutions and platforms designed to deliver a better transportation experience for everyone. For example, Model A can be fitted with engineered software behaviors to deliver precise navigation using sensors for reliable and safe autonomous use. Model A can follow behind a person, animal or vehicle along a predefined path, a behavior referred to as Virtual Rail. In addition, by allowing Model A to communicate with other vehicles and the infrastructure, safety, reliability, and predictive mobility increases and data collection applications become possible.

Simply getting from point A to point B used to be enough. But today’s consumers also care about the quality of the trip. With a personalized experience for the driver, the latest in personal mobility technology is improving the ride for everyone. Model A is accompanied by an iPhone app which connects via bluetooth and allows for remote control of the device.

The app also allows you to adjust the seat, driving and control settings, and even includes a security locking mechanism to keep the device secure when you’re not using it.


Model M Power Wheelchair

Advanced motion and complete terrain coverage now come with FDA clearance.

High power torque and large front wheels conquer rough terrains and steep hills. Maneuver over grass, dirt, gravel, and snow with ease.

Our All Directional Wheel Technology is an industry-wide innovation in both maneuverability and personal mobility. We’ve taken our deep knowledge of the automotive industry and applied the technology to personal mobility, enabling faster, effortless maneuverability in tight spaces inside and varied terrain outside.

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